Becoming a computer security specialist entails undertaking an associate’s degree program in computer forensics, cybercrime or criminal justice. Basically, these degrees combine the expertise of computer science with the training for crime prevention. Programs that can help you build a career in computer forensics or computer security can also be found in schools that offer law enforcement degrees.

What is part of a computer crime prevention program?

While you will not find an associate’s degree in computer crime prevention, you can opt for a course that is focused on computer crime like computer forensics, cybercrime or criminal justice. The degree you will be awarded with at the end of the course will be an Associate of Applied Science (AAS).

Computer forensics and cybercrime programs also include techniques for the computer security business. These techniques will include methods to correctly extract cyber evidence and unearth hidden files that serve as proof in criminal investigations.

These courses will also prepare you to build up on the awareness of potential victims to avert cybercrimes like virtual identify theft, hacking and virus attacks. Some of the common courseware includes computer hardware and software basics, common cybercrimes, computer security and protection, the legal system and criminal justice ethics.

Can I do these courses online?

Yes, which it is rare but an associate’s degree program in computer forensics can be pursued online.

What are the kind of jobs I can do after?

An AAS degree in the computer forensics and cybercrime will equip you for the role of a computer security specialist. Certain US-based employers may need you to undertake specific certification from a training institute or product company.

You can also consult privately or become a computer forensics investigator. The rules for investigator licensure will vary by state but will include a background check, appearing for an examination and related work experience.

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